Foodbank Victoria for providing us with most of our packaged food each week.
Bendigo Community Bank
Cheffield’s, Warragul – Meat
Fareshare – Frozen Meals
Flavorite, Warragul – Tomatoes
Frankie’s Community Kitchen, Meals
GIVIT Charity Australia
Gumbuya World
Hair of the Dog – Cat and Dog Food
Woolworths, Aldi and Coles supermarkets, Warragul and Drouin – Grocery Supplies
Second Bite Coles in Warragul and Drouin
– Grocery Supplies, Fruit and Vegetables.
Select Office Choice Warragul.
Share the Dignity for their support of women’s products each year.
Triple M Gippsland
Gordon Jones, Warragul South – Potatoes
Armour’s Orchards – Apples
Versteden’s Egg Farm, Drouin – Eggs
Schools and clubs and local businesses for the can/food drives.
And all the wonderful people in the community who donate their
eggs, lemons, tomatoes, apples etc, in season
to share with our recipients.
For any further information, whether it be food assistance, ability to supply produce or maybe some of your time as a volunteer, please contact:
Factory 6/ 11 Pearse Street, Warragul – 03 5622 3891