Baw Baw Food Relief is open to serve you

Baw Baw Food Relief is committed to the health and well-being of our team, customers and community. We value our relationships and we would like to reassure the Baw Baw community that we are taking every step to maintain a healthy, hygienic environment during this time.

Sanitizing is in place when you enter each building.

*Social Distancing. Please do not be offended when we are unable to shake your hand or offer a hug; our conversations and relationships will not stop.

*Our operation hours are:

Food Relief: 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday

Op Shops:  9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday

Our purpose is to provide food to our local community experiencing food insecurity.

Stay safe and healthy,
Baw Baw Food Relief.


The Baw Baw Food Relief is a Not-for-Profit organisation which was set up because there was a need to distribute food to families and individuals in the Baw Baw Shire.

We provide short-term food assistance, with a large range of foods, hygiene products, pet food & drinks, as well as a Drop in Centre and Pastoral Care.

Mission – Vision – Values

Mission:​ To provide food, friendship and practical support to those in need.
Vision:​ To provide hope and a better future for families in our community.
Values:​ Our core ethics and behaviours are guided by our values which are: Love, Care and Support, Communication, Strength, Compassion, Humour, Leadership, Acceptance & Generosity.

Food Relief

If you are in need of short term/emergency food assistance, the first step is to come in and register your personal details​.

The Food Relief centre operates Monday to Friday between 10am to 2pm. Closed Saturdays and Sundays.

Opportunity Shop

Part of the building operates as an Opportunity Shop. The income helps to stock the food relief shelves; it directly supports clients in need of food and clothing assistance.

The Op Shop is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. Closed Saturdays and Sundays.

About Us

The Baw Baw Food Relief assists people at their point of crisis or experiencing difficulty by providing them with emergency/short-term food relief for themselves and their family.

Food Relief began in 2002 and has grown with 12 different churches now involved. They provide funding assistance, volunteering day to day management and strategic direction via the Food Relief Committee.

We also have a range of supporters and volunteers from other backgrounds providing great support. We are the largest supplier of emergency food relief in Baw Baw Shire, assisting over 950 families last year.

We have strong connections with government agencies (e.g. Centrelink, Quantum) to support the wellbeing of people in need within the Baw Baw Shire.

Each person seeking assistance is welcomed in an environment that is non-judgemental and offers them confidential assistance with opportunities for self-development.

The Food Relief program operates from 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday.

The first step for anyone in need of short term/emergency food assistance is to register their personal details at the Baw Baw Food Relief office. They must be a resident of the Baw Baw Shire and hold a current Health Care/Pensioner Concession Card holder (or recent applicant to Centrelink). They can make ten (10) visits per year for food assistance; this number of visits may be extended, in certain circumstances after an independent assessment is made.

Registration is one application per household.

Recipients are asked to make a $10 donation per visit, in return for a substantial amount of food and personal goods from the food bank. Such donations go towards covering costs for purchasing a variety of certain consumable items, that aren’t donated.

We also operate an Op Shop to assist with Food Relief’s operating costs, including rent, electricity, insurance and supply of staple foods.

For any further information, whether it be food assistance, ability to supply produce, or maybe some of your time as a volunteer, contact;
Factory 6/ 11 Pearse Street, Warragul – 03 5622 3891